Today we started something new! We now have a class goal. Right now we are working on getting to the carpet area quickly and quietly to show Mrs. van Rees that we are ready to learn. If she "catches" us doing this, we get to add a fuzzy to our class goal jar. Once we have filled our jar, we are going to have a celebration!
We brainstormed lots of celebrations we would like to have throughout the year. Such as, a popcorn party, wearing our pj's to school, having extra outside time, playing a game. We are looking forward to our first celebration!
We talked about what being ready to learn looks like and sounds like and practiced it this morning. Mrs. van Rees also took a picture of us doing it and we have that displayed on our easel with our look like/sounds like chart. We can't put it on our blog because it's a picture of us, but it's safe to have in our classroom.
Does your class have a class goal? If so, what is your goal? Maybe one day we can use your goal for our class.