Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Welcome Primary Blogging Community!

This week is our week to "showcase" our blog to 4 other primary classes! Welcome Ms. Leech's class, Mrs. Ruckes' class, Mrs. Wideen's class and Ms. Ziemke's class to our class blog! Thank you for visiting us! We really enjoyed learning more about Mrs. Wideen's class blog and we are looking forward to meeting the rest of your class blogs in the next few weeks!

When Mrs. van Rees told us that we would be sharing our blog with you, we thought that you'd like to see our classroom. Here are some of the pictures we suggested she take, so you can get an idea of what our classroom looks like.

This is our classroom. Our desks are in groups of 4. We have 5 desk groups.

This is our classroom agreement that is posted on our wall to remind us of the things we promised to work on throughout the year.

A few girls in the class found a wooly bear caterpillar outside during nutrition break.
We have it in this cage to see if it will create a chrysalis. 

We created "Dot Art" inspired by Peter Reynolds' "The Dot" for International Dot Day in September. 

This is our classroom door with all our names on the owls.  

This is our monthly calendar so we can keep track of what is happening in the month.

Here is a picture of the front of the room and our SMARTboard.

Our school focuses on the 8 Keys of Excellence. These keys are posted on our wall as a reminder.
This month we are focusing on "Speak with Good Purpose".

This is our Math Wall and our math manipulatives underneath. Right now we're focusing on Graphing. 

This is our classroom library.

This is what our classroom looks like. What things in your room are similar? What things are different?


  1. What a wonderful classroom to be learning in. I love how you have so many different areas in your room for learning but I have to admit I love your library best. I have a special place for our math tools but I am trying to find a place for our math word wall words. I like how you have such a special space for math tools and work. Thank you for sharing your room with me.

    1. Thank you for your comments! We really liked to read what you said.

  2. What a great looking classroom. We have a smartboard too. We also have our desks grouped in fours and one group is a group of five. Our classroom library is similar to yours. Something that is different in our classroom is that we have 2 classes in our room. We are an open concept school.

    1. Wow - we don't have 2 classes in 1 room, but it sounds interesting. Katie was at another school last year and she said that there were 2 classrooms built together with a door in between. Do you have a door between your classes or are there no walls?

  3. Dear First Graders,
    We like your classroom. We really like the carpet in your classroom library. Your Smartboard looks just like ours. We like your decorations. We are wondering when your caterpillar will turn into a butterfly.
    Have a happy day.
    Mrs. Ruckes' Fantastic First Graders

    1. Thank you for your kind words. We really like our Classroom Library carpet too! We don't know when our caterpillar will turn into a butterfly, but we'll keep you posted!

      Mrs. van Rees' class

  4. We loved looking at your classroom. We have a Smartboard too! We were so excited to see your classroom that today we took pictures of our classroom to show you. We had a butterfly cage last year when we watched caterpillars turn into Painted Ladies. Now we have an empty terrarium. Hopefully, we will find bugs for it soon. We are learning about spiders? What are you learning about?

    1. Ms. Leech class,

      We are learning about spiders too! We are reading Charlotte's Web! Are you? We learned that spiders suck bugs' blood and that spiders have 8 legs. What have you learned about spiders?

      Mrs. van Rees' class

  5. Linden learned that spiders can walk on webs. Kendall says that spiders have tiny claws so that they can walk good. Emma says that a black widow has one red dot on its back. Byron says that spiders suck the blood out of insects. Rajan wonders if a spider catches a mosquito will the mosquito suck the spider's blood? Spiders can spin webs with their silk. Oliver says black widows can spin webs really fast. Linden says spiders are good because they eat bad bugs.Anna says spiders have two body parts. Yes we are reading Charlotte's Web. Jaiden says spiders eat bugs.

  6. Hi friends! We have the same green stool that you do! We love your classroom! We liked those fish on your website. How does that work? Our crabs can pinch, so you have to pick them up carefully. Are crabs can walk fast and slow. One crab is a bit of a scardy-cat. We will talk to you next week!
