Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Measuring Length

We have started a new unit in Math this week! We started looking at measuring length. We figured out that length means 'how long something is'. Today, we looked at how tall we are by cutting pieces of string to represent our length. Then we took the string and measured its length using a variety of good measuring tools. Before we started measuring, we brainstormed a list of possible tools that would work to measure length. Here are some of our tools that can work well:

- connecting cubes
- square tiles
- paper clips
- makers
- paper
- rulers

Here are some pictures of us measuring the length of our string-height.


  1. I just came across your blog entry right now and I am deeply amazed by the style you create your blog post! Which methods do you prefer share the info about the fact that you have posted a blog post to your site?

    1. Hi Chris,
      Thanks for visiting our blog! :) Once a blog is posted, I tweet it out using my personal twitter account as well as our classroom account. Also, parents have been given our url and encouraged to check it out regularly.
